My favorite poem of all time is most definitely "The Lady of Shallot" by Tennyson. During my college years I took a class in Victorian poetry where this was but one of many that we dissected into bits and pieces. Lucky for me all that dreadful analyzing failed to burst the romantic bubble I'd created in my own mind concerning this piece. I first saw reference to it in the pages of "Anne of Green Gables." Then, several years later, when Keven Sullivan's adaptation of the book came out I was giddy with delight to see he chose to have
Anne reading the poem in the opening scene. What a great job Megan Follows did in this role!

All romantic notions aside, however, I do believe it is the aspect of weaving in "The Lady of Shallot" that has made the most indelible mark on me. Now aside from childhood hours spent with my
potholder loom and loops kit I have never in my life actually woven anything. I've drooled a lot though. . . . . especially in school where my adviser's office was at the back of the textile room. Walking through that sea of floor looms to meet with her made my head spin. Needless to say, when it came time to sit down and plan out the direction of my own future my focus was shot. For five years I floated through the studies of graphic design, illustration, and art education before finally settling myself in the field of art history. But not once did I ever consider Textile Design. And so I don't weave. . . . . but I love anything woven. . . . .things like gingham and baskets especially. Which must explain why I head directly to the pile of baskets first off at each and every yard sale I attend.

It's quite good when you find one to your liking with a handle because then you have the perfect tote for all the other goodies soon to be discovered.

Goodies like these for the making of a tea time get together. . . .

. . . . or these for the making of some dolly's wee wearable.

This item, however, stumped me. Being a basket, of course I loved it, but the color was what made it a must have! Unfortunately I was having difficultly reasoning out it's purpose...to find a way to weave it into the fabric of my days if you will.

And then I found treasure!

Now I really didn't need another sewing machine but oh that color! Combined with the fact that. . . . . .

. . . . it was made in England. . . . .

. . . . . in the year I was born. . . . . and cost only $25. . . . .SOLD!!!

In my excitement I made the purchase without a thought as to it's working condition. Once home, however, I set up shop only to discover it performed beautifully! I've since named her Bluebell and can't wait to dress up that little basket into a pincushion for her.

Maybe it's a good thing I'm not a weaver. Squeezing another Singer in the sewing nook is one thing, a floor loom on the other hand. . . . . I'd be hard pressed to even squeeze it into the house!
And so I'll stitch by night and day
A magic quilt of colors gay.
Hi Natalie Jo. Great minds think alike.... I have also been thinking about taking up weaving. My sister has a floor loom and believe me it fills a BIG space. I'd love to dye my own fibres and weave them but think I'd better stick to knitting! Love the colour of your new machine and how wonderful that it works so well. Have a great weekend. Eli x
ReplyDeleteWow...great find! Yes - a loom would take up much more floor space. I also recently acquired another sewing machine. I must say, they all have their purpose!
ReplyDeleteHappy Sewing!!!
good for you . . . your new "old" machine looks terrific . . .
ReplyDeleteand your basket block . . . wow . . . that came out so so beautiful . . .
now I can't wait to sew mine together !!
Looms don't have to be huge:-) I do have a barn loom and it is in the barn...LOL! You can get a 4 harness to fit a room or even a table top loom can start you on scarfs and runners..food for thought:-)