I awoke this morning to a somewhat gray sky but with a sunny disposition for it was May Day Morning! After reading all the wonderful garden suggestions that came in this week I could hardly wait another moment to head out to the north forty! More like forty feet that is, although it feels immense to me considering how jam packed it is becoming with all the greenery popping up everywhere. So the wellies were brought out for the season, geraniums were prepped for the porch stoop, and some early seeds gathered for planting. All was well with the world until I spied this. . . . .

Do you see it?!!! Right there. . . lying among the irises. . . a long slithery tail!!! In that split second of recognition my body went immediately into high alert. . . heart racing, lungs gasping, feet jumping. I'm sure I was a sight for all the neighbors. I found safe harbor on a nearby bench but after a few minutes of no ground movement I got a little curious and brave enough for a closer peek (after all I did have my wellies on!) And upon closer inspection. . . .

. . . .discovered the owner of the tail on the other side of the fence. An apatosaurus, compliments of dear hubby who had found great amusement in decorating our front garden with prehistoric remnants of last weekend's yards sale. They are hidden everywhere!

Found this raptor in waiting to pounce in a bunch of grape hyacinth. I fear our poor cottage garden has evolved into a Jurassic jungle.

My favorite surprise however was this wee sprout. It is the first of the morning glories for this year. Many more will soon follow from the seeds that dropped to the ground last fall and before you know it we will have a literal wall of morning glories bordering our patio. I also have them trailing up outside the kitchen window which makes for the loveliest sight when washing dishes. I can't wait for their return!

It seems great minds think alike as Lily Red exercised her green thumb a bit as well this morning! The real dirt under your finger nails gardening, however, had to wait for another day once Lily Rose arrived on the scene. News of the May Day excitement had spread and with her were some dear friends the May Belles, three tussie-mussie toting sweethearts.

Introductions were made, a flower was shared, and then it was time to get on with the main event...the Give Away!

Lest the entrants names be forgotten a list had been made throughout the week. The names had been numbered and so it was easy to make up little tags for the drawing. Lucy of course did all the cutting but it was the by the hand of my own sweet girl that the number 5 was selected.
In true May Day spirit the May Belles danced around the maypole until the official announcement came. . . and the winner is. . . .
Hearty, happy congratulations to you!