One thing I've discovered by having my little Etsy shop is how many of you are so good at planning ahead! I began receiving a sprinkling of orders for items to give as Christmas gifts over the summer but as the fall settled in it became serious business for some! Knowing all my Christmas hiding spots were currently barren of secrets, I could feel a twinge of panic in the pit of my stomach not usually familiar to me until mid December. How many shopping days did I actually have left? Not enough I'm sure!
Armed with pen, paper, and a hot cup of tea I tackled the remaining pages of our 2009 calendar and created a holiday game plan. Lists were created, prioritized, edited, and compiled to create an agenda of sorts. In the end I decided it would be best to begin with a bit of organizing and simplifying, especially in regard to all the custom orders that needed my attention (especially considering I added a few more to the list for my own gift giving plans!)
I soon reclaimed the top portion of a bookshelf in our bedroom onto which an assortment of small baskets and boxes could be stored. All of the tiny pieces used in my pincushions, Lilies, and quilts can easily be cut in multiples now and stored safely away until it's their turn to be put into use. It's ever so easy now to grab a basket and head out to the sewing nook knowing everything I need is right on hand. I've even begun tossing in the coordinating thread, floss, beads, and trim as well. I'm feeling so on top of things. . . . .
. . . . . as long as I look up that is! If you recall, I did say I reclaimed the TOP portion of the bookshelf! This is what lies below. Believe it or not I do love books, I just don't treat them as well as I should.

Fearing I will be in dire need of encouragement as I tackle the next steps, I posted up one of the sweet little postcards I got at the antiquarian book fair last summer. Who knew at the time it would be so appropriate to my future agenda? And so inspirational! The process of clearing out is becoming almost a daily activity. I've been purging and tossing right and left. Drop offs at the consignment shop, donations to the library, and if all else fails, deposits in the recycle bin have not come without their rewards. More space, less dust, and. . . . .

. . . . .these treasures! I first saw these adorable wooden coasters over at
Wyldhare's Hollow. She found her set on a "goodie hunting" excursion earlier this month. I feel in love with them and let her know in a comment on her post. Sweet as always, she said she would keep her eyes open for another set for me. I can't begin to tell you my amazement over the fact that she not only found another set but sent it off to me as a belated birthday surprise! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I especially love the fact that they have the little evergreen trees on them since this whole re-organization process developed out of my Christmas Agenda!
Not to be excluded. . . . . an additional surprise was tucked in for Lily Red as well! This tiny wooden basket is now one of her very favorite possessions. Being ever so sturdy and with a nice flat bottom I'm told it's uses tally in the hundreds.
It seems Lily Red's newest acquaintance, Red Riding Hood (#2) is quite an expert on baskets and many such conversations were had on the topic while hair braiding and other finishing touches were attended to.
Red Riding Hood even gave a demonstration on picking the finest flowers for making an arrangement to put in one's basket. Lucy had the special task of cutting a lining cloth for tucking around the blossoms. Both girls were quite impressed with their new friend, so much so in fact. . . . .
. . . . . that they were inspired to pay tribute to her frightful tale on Halloween. A bit of sewing was required but easily accomplished in their skillful hands. It was the generous loan of a key element, however, that added the perfect touch to their costume ensemble.

Happy Trick or Treat
Lily Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf!