It seems a bit more snow was on the agenda for today. Lucky for us it was the light and lovely snow globe variety rather than the heavy wet stuff we usually get. No back breaking session with the snow shovel required! In fact, other than a brief walk down the road to check our mailbox, we spent a slow cozy day inside.

Being that the kiddies are home on winter break we decided to hunker down with a game of RISK. I'd forgotten how vicious the play could become, especially when the board is taken over by a brutal 8 year old dictator! One by one the participants dropped off to lick their wounds. Left to my own devices I decided if I couldn't conquer the world. . . . .

. . . . . I'd conquer my sewing baskets instead! While I really love tossing handwork into a little handled basket I've discovered the lack of a lid can cause some serious overflow problems, especially when you have a habit of starting more projects than you finish.

Once dumped out onto the ironing board, however, I found it was quite easy to arrange piles of project scraps along with the coordinating threads, flosses, buttons, and baubles needed to complete each piece.

My secret weapon was hidden in the dark recess of a closet, an honest to goodness sewing basket. I snapped it up on clearance at Jo-A
nn's ages ago but for some reason resisted putting it to good use until now. Why I don't know. . . . .

. . . . .for look how tidy and portable it is!

And so with basket in hand I headed down to my window seat. It was great to snuggle in there stitching and watching the snow and not once having to run back up to the sewing nook in search of this or that. Instead I was able to put all that saved energy into
completing my first Mini Penny Square. Eventually there will be twelve, one small victory a month for the next year ahead.