Was I ever surprised to pop on here and see I'd failed to post a single word since November! Boy did that time ever fly by. . . . with the days full of finish work, festivities, and feasting and the nights more of the same, sleep was minimal for a while there. Having now, however, granted myself a bit of a Rip Van Winkle respite I find myself awake and ready for action (or at least ready to share some tidbits of the activity that occurred in my absence!)

My exploration into the world of paperclay was great fun. Many different cat heads were sculpted and painted in the process. The whimsical and cartoonish ones were a blast but in order to best depict the features of a Siamese Snowshoe I decided to go in a different direction an thus ended up with a bit more realistic. . . . .

. . . . . Knittin' Kitten!

I also spent some time working with a feline of another sort. . . . . The Cat in the Hat!

The Dr. Seuss fabric line was a hoot to work with and simply hollered out for the fun addition of some red pom pom trim.

With orders completed and delivered it was finally time to welcome in the holidays and all of the goodies that arrive with them. The most frequently received gifts from under the tree this year were books (as usual) and Lego's. . . . . .which very quickly animated themselves. . . . .

. . . . . and took over the entire house!

Even the tree itself was stormed by a troop of Bioicles.

If only their forces could have been rounded up and put to use during one of the several snow events we've endured. With 15+ inches on the ground. . . . .

. . . . .all able bodies were needed in the shoveling department!

For awhile there it seemed if I wasn't shoveling, I was sewing and my project pile was about as deep as the snow.

So it was back to the ironing board in an attempt to fill a big ole basket up with some Itty Bitty pincushions. Enjoyable work though it was I found myself quite distracted by this. . . . .

. . . . . one of the more addicting books received in this year's booty. It's the first Bill Bryson book I've read but certainly not to be my last. You wouldn't believe how many tea time breaks I took in order to sneak down from the sewing nook and peruse a few more of it's pages. Until, that is, I came to his explanation of the phrase "room and board."

Apparently before dining tables were as we know them, meals were served from nothing more than a board of wood placed upon the diners' knees. Quite space efficient, the board could then be hung on a wall between services. To offer someone room and board therefore meant to house and feed them. My brain can't fathom feeding my gang from a plank of wood balanced on their knees but it did put the portable nature of a board to practical use.

And so my handy June Taylor pressing board went on a journey. Farewells were made to the sewing nook and we soon settled upon the dining room table. With such a wide open surface I was able to spread out my projects alongside of my book which allowed me to practically sew and read at the same time!

Before I knew it the tiny cushions were falling into place,

filling up,

and ready to head out to
Candlelite Quilts where they'll happily await the delightful folks that pass through the doors. With their cheery disposition and shiny buttons I have no fear they'll do their best to entice someone sweet to give them a home, leaving me free to indulge in an afternoon "At Home" with Mr. Bryson!