In amongst the bouquet of lilies to come out of my sewing nook this summer were these two kindred spirits, Lily Cathy and Lily Joanie. With bonnets in place and a current project ready for show and tell they were quite excited to be part of a special adventure.

As quickly as possible the last minute details of ditty bags and tags were attended to.

Soon enough they were gently tucked into a handy basket and headed out the door. There was not to be any peeking but I did catch one little head peering about on occasion.
A hop, skip, and a jump down the road and we arrived at our destination. I don't know about you, but any time I find myself passing through a white picket fence and following along a garden path I am filled with certainty that something delightful is in store . . . . .

. . . . .as is the case every time I call on
Candlelite Quilts. I absolutely love the sight of this little shop. It always seems so happy to have it's "OPEN" sign hanging out front. And it's no wonder, for the place is perpetually inhabited by the most delightful folk and filled with creative treasure galore.

As you step through the door a myriad of rooms await exploration.
Even if you were to visit the shop on a weekly basis I do believe something new will have arrived each and every time. On this particular day I discovered the first signs of Christmas on display.
I vaguely recalled a promise to myself to begin those holiday projects early on this year. Try as I might to convince myself to pick up a bit of this and that to get started, my feet kept walking. Unfortunately, it will be those same two feet that I'll be kicking myself with come December 21st when I'm frantic for lack of enough time.

The Kaffe Fassett corner is always a favorite for me now after my adventure in creating with his fabrics last spring. At least one of his fat quarters seems to make it into my pile each time I visit with the idea that someday I will make a "real" quilt like the ones I'm always drooling over in his books.

Speaking of drooling. . . . . .I LOVE this pineapple quilt! If it were on my bed I just know I would have the best dreams ever and wake up feeling inspired for whatever the day ahead held. A class in it's construction is scheduled for this month but unfortunately I won't be available to attend. . . . . so for now it will have to wait on my "someday" list along with my Fassett plans.
Around the corner and up the stairs is a whole other world of wool penny mats, red work, and rug punching.
This happens to be the room I find most intriguing. I am fascinated by rug punching and perpetually working hard to find a way to justify squeezing another craft and all it's accouterments back at home. If only we didn't have to eat I could take over the kitchen counters to create a storage system like this!
It does help when you have a partner in crime by your side. My mom once had an interest in making a set of chair pads so perhaps if I team up with her it could happen sooner than expected. I swear she doesn't have an ounce of procrastination in her, so once her mind is set on a task, mountains will be moved to achieve her goal! My plan is to simply follow in her wake.
And just in case dear hubby is at a loss for some birthday ideas this pattern along with a few skeins of wool yarn would get him off the hook for another year!

Having found themselves quite at home the Lilies decided to set down roots. Have no fear, however, for leaving Candlelite with an empty basket would never be in my plans!