Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tiny Tags!

Knowing I had a some tag making tasks ahead of me and also knowing all of my favorite Pigma Micron pens have gone missing ever since the kiddos discovered how well they work, I popped into Joann's this morning and picked up a brand new one just for me! I love the 0.25 mm size best as it is just right for delicate work. In order to keep it safe from all the heavy hands and sticky fingers in the house I squirreled it away someplace really safe and out of sight as soon as I came in the door. Unfortunately several hours later when I was ready to start scripting away I'd already forgotten where I'd put it! In the end I had to scrounge up an old, slightly mangled Micron from the crayon box and make it do.


  1. Ha! I've done that too...many times over!

  2. Don't worry, this is NOT an age thing...I've been doing that all my life :-)

    I love your tags; how did you make them? Anything with gingham is happy.


  3. It does my heart good to know that you misplaced the pens! Have done it so many times with so many things.

    Here is a tip: store the pens flat in a tin or hard plastic box and they will not dry out so fast.

    Tip #2 remember where you put the box!
