Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Field Trip!

Have wellies. . . .

. . . . .will travel!

Thus without further ado we were off to the R. Seawright Gardens
where hostas and daylilies flourish,

. . . and little red wagons await a helping hand to lead them through the wooded paths!

The shady hosta gardens are cool and refreshing on a hot summer day,

feature a tremendous variety of plants,

and some new inspiration as to how one might arrange them!

The wee folk in our party, however, found this small pond . . . .

. . . . . and its residents of far greater interest.

Eventually the woods gave way to endless fields of daylilies.

Rumor has it they will be in full blossom round about the second week in July
and that plein air painters will flock
to the glorious site!

After numerous loops around the farm it was time to make our final selections.

Which came with a few would-be stowaway worms!

Kiosk in sight. . . . .

. . . . .the little red wagon was toted along the last leg of our adventure,

after which it happily returned to his comrades-in-arms.


  1. Hi Natalie Jo. What a great place. My first thought when I saw the hostas was 'why aren't they demolished by slugs as they would be in Britain?' Then I saw the frogs who of course love gobbling up slugs. What a great combination for any garden .... hostas and frogs. Cute little waggons. They made me think of the poem 'The Tale of Custard the Dragon' by Ogden Nash. Enjoy your Summer in lovely New England. Eli x

  2. Beautiful hostas, and I love daylillies! In fact, ours are in full bloom right now. Hope you have joy in your horticultural selections, and thanks for taking us along :-)


  3. I have to say, I love your wellies! And what a lovely adventure. The wagons are so cute all lined up!
