Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Made a Patchwork Valentine

I used to make these little heart sets several years ago and thought it would be fun to revisit the process in honor of the holiday today. Unfortunately with all the Valentine hoopla going on, time got away from me and it's mate must await final stitches for another day. Meanwhile I'm off to make my mate a sweet cup of tea and catch a bit of Downton Abbey to end the evening.


  1. That is so pretty. Happy Valentines day.

  2. Happy Valentines:) We see Downton on Sunday here...love it.

  3. Could not get my comments to pop up yesterday but was so happy to find it working again today!

    Debbie, it's great to know your kit pieces arrived safe and sound. We still have a bit more to do on the lily pad but before you know it we'll be painting little faces!

    Mary Ann, had to let you know how much I enjoyed last post.... putting feet and shoes on before pants is something I would do too! You figured it out in the end, however, and your little fox fellow is looking quite habdsome!
