Thursday, March 22, 2012

Made a Mini Bouquet of Sorts

En route to the bus stop this morning I happened to spy a few wee blossoms poking their heads up through last year's leaves.

How could I not pick just one itty bitty sprig?


  1. We are having a heat wave today and it's only March. I have one single little snow drop in the garden. Nothing else yet.


    Here's a description of your flower. It's common name is White Squill and it's a bulb. I have them scattered around my front yard. I love to identify flowers!
    Happy Spring!

  3. The little angel in your photo...was that made in Germany? Its so sweet!

  4. Oh thank you, thank you for giving a name to the little blossoms! I've always wondered what they were called and White Squill is just the lovliest name for them.

    And about that little angel, yes she was originally from Germany but I received her from my mom who rescued the wee dear from a consignment shop. What a lucky find that was!
