Saturday, September 22, 2012

Made It In The Nick Of Time

Even though I awoke to a basket full of cushions in need of final details I decided to focus my attention elsewhere.....

.....and get some odds and ends out of the way. A bit of crochet completed the last two little pillows and the final three capes only needed their ties braided up. With these 5 under my belt for the day there was nothing left but to focus on the last 18 pincushions.

Round about four o'clock this is what  I had left. For awhile I wondered if I'd have to call the shoemakers elves for a bit of help but..... 11 o'clock all was well!
And as for tomorrow, I don't intend to lift a finger!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed! Here I sit surrounded by 'stuff'. Bask in your glory, you deserve it.
