Tuesday, May 21, 2013


 Still working on paring down my fabric stash.
My goal is to have no more than 1 yard of each print.
 That way I can still buy new goodies and not feel guilty about the fact that trying to squeeze them in somewhere back at home is near impossible!
 I'm also working on being a bit more prompt in putting my new goodies to use.
That little charm pack by Moda  for instance...
I just HAD TO HAVE it!
I thought it would make up the sweetest batch of pincushions someday.
Normal me would have stashed it for that someday but the me I'm trying to be ruled the day and actually put hand to task by prepping fabric pair ups and matching pom pom trim. True for almost every pack of charms I have purchased, I was then left with a pile of leftover prints not entirely to my liking.
Now once again normal me would have stashed these for maybe, someday, never. But the me I'm trying to be was quick on her toes this afternoon....
 Enter a pack of 2 inch Hexie paper pieces, a needle, thread, and Voilà...step #1 in a housekeeping matter of a different sort had been taken!
 You see, I'm obsessed with this book and the work of Nicki Trench. What a colorful world she creates and I imagine lives in. I think my home could stand to kick it up a notch in such a direction and am determined to take action....even if it's only one hexie piece at a time.
And look...today I made three!!!


  1. I am impressed. I'm not much of a quilter and always love what other people do. I'm clearing out stash too. I'm making blankets with cotton, backed with fleece for the dog shelter. My dogs have matching blankets and pillows. Too much do you think?

  2. NEVER!!! Our dog has a blankie and a pillow too. Of course his new habit of spilling his entire water bowl out on the floor unless we hold it up to his mouth level IS getting to be a bit too much!
