Monday, January 12, 2015

A Little Bit of Light......makes a world of difference!

 During the dim, drab, and damp 4 o'clock hour of this afternoon I sat down
to take a few stitches.
This is what I saw before me.
Had I perchance taken the same exact photo with the same exact camera settings yesterday something entirely different would have been seen. 
That, dear friends, is because I finally caved and bought myself an Ottlite.
I've resisted for the longest time, mostly because I always thought them to be clunky and not very attractive to my more vintage tastes. I know now that not only was I not seeing clearly but I wasn't thinking clearly either because my new Ottlite is amazing! I'm so busy looking at everything it so wonderfully illuminates that I don't even notice what the lamp looks like anymore.
There was no squinting whatsoever while I stitched up the little velvet ears!
Which, by the way, were a cinch to sew in place.
Everything came together so easily in fact that I even had time to give the wee critter some shiny eyes so it could see as well has I now could!


  1. The mousey is so cute! I lost my ottlite at the Hitty gathering last year so I had to go get another. My original one was portable and it collapsed.

    1. I was just thinking it would be nice to have a more portable one! I'll have to keep my eyes open for one and then keep it under lock and key when I take it out!
