Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas Tidbits

Friday, December 4, 2009
Out with the New Agenda!

This is me. The me that still had her milk teeth and had yet to create even one agenda. Both of which I wish were still true! Let me say that the excitement of losing one's baby teeth is definitely NOT repeated when one must part with a permanent tooth as an adult. For one thing, the tooth fairy does not visit you and leave shiny coins under your pillow! Instead you practically move into your dentist's office and contribute abundantly to his coffer. And as for those agendas. . . . . all the comfort and confidence I had acquired by following my carefully scripted plan for the months leading up to Christmas took a dramatic nosedive in direct proportion to my escalating dental dilemma. It seemed I had set myself up for failure and yet another hassle filled holiday season. How was I ever going to complete everything on all those lists I had made? The answer was actually quite simple, I wasn't. And so I tossed them out. . . . .

A doll's hutch discarded by my daughter was destined for the attic but, having cleared some piles from atop the file cabinet, I found a much happier role for it as storage for all the little Lilies in progress.

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
A New Agenda

Armed with pen, paper, and a hot cup of tea I tackled the remaining pages of our 2009 calendar and created a holiday game plan. Lists were created, prioritized, edited, and compiled to create an agenda of sorts. In the end I decided it would be best to begin with a bit of organizing and simplifying, especially in regard to all the custom orders that needed my attention (especially considering I added a few more to the list for my own gift giving plans!)
I soon reclaimed the top portion of a bookshelf in our bedroom onto which an assortment of small baskets and boxes could be stored. All of the tiny pieces used in my pincushions, Lilies, and quilts can easily be cut in multiples now and stored safely away until it's their turn to be put into use. It's ever so easy now to grab a basket and head out to the sewing nook knowing everything I need is right on hand. I've even begun tossing in the coordinating thread, floss, beads, and trim as well. I'm feeling so on top of things. . . . . . . . . . as long as I look up that is! If you recall, I did say I reclaimed the TOP portion of the bookshelf! This is what lies below. Believe it or not I do love books, I just don't treat them as well as I should.

Monday, October 19, 2009
Winter Weather - a Taste of What's to Come!

Saturday, October 3, 2009
Birthday Buffet

This week, with the arrival of the first of October, I figured it was time to start. First things first,however, I knew a bit of pre-decorating house "clearing" was in order. . . . . which leads me here to my pile of birthday gifts on display in the living room. Now considering more than two weeks have passed since my special day it was definitely time to relocate my goodies but not before I did a bit of show and tell.

Almost every year, as a special birthday treat, I go to a doll show up in New Hampshire. This time while my mom searched for some tiny dolls to put in her Christmas dollhouse, Dale scoured every table for a doll that looked just like her, and I kept watch for any little wooden treasures to be had. As it turned out only the birthday girl had any luck on that day. A Raikes Hitty along with a companion book stuffed with an assortment of paper ephemera was found neglected amongst all the more glamorous Betsy McCalls and Madame Alexanders. Mass produced she may be, but how could I pass her up, especially with mom as a co-conspirator in the purchase.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Summer Ends...

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Lily Red Riding Hood