The decorations have all been packed away, school has
resumed, and there's not much going on around here except for snow, snow, and more snow. Being stuck inside a very quiet house all day has made my little friend Lucy wistful for a bit of merriment. With an ever growing list of sewing projects ahead of me I knew I would not make for the most entertaining of company...but I did have an idea! For squirreled away I had a house, a tiny house in need of some tender loving care to bring it to life.
" What if," I said to her, "we put it out to rent in exchange for that care? Perhaps someone would respond, a wee someone who could clean it up and possibly give it a coat of paint. And with your fine scissor skills you could cut a beautiful ribbon for the cottage key. Who knows, you might even become the best of friends!"

Lucy was tickled with the idea and so we got right to work. I found a small pole while she made a sign. It only took a few moments before we had it posted and Lucy sat down to wait...and wait...and wait. I knew she was anxious to get to her ribbon work but we hadn't yet had any responses. What to do in the mean time? Luckily I had another idea!
"What if ," I suggested, "we have a Giveaway? Faraway friends would see it and send us messages that you could read right away. I'll even let you pick the prize!"

Lucy thought it was a lovely idea and knew immediately what she wanted to give. A pair of "Sweet Hearts" were selected. I
definitely approved as they are one of my favorites...especially this pair with the red check and periwinkle rose print. They were patchwork pieced, stuffed, and adorned with ribbons and tiny buttons. Hanging from those buttons are removable tags with the words "Hugs" and "Kisses" written on them.

And then we had yet another idea, only this time it was Lucy's.
"What if," she said, "we ask that they enter to win our giveaway by leaving a message telling us their favorite book about dolls. Hopefully we'll get a big long list and what fun it would be to read them all!"

What fun indeed...so please, do leave a message! Share with us a favorite book or maybe even two. As long as they are about dolls and are received by the first of February consider yourself entered. A winner will be selected at random on February 2 which should allow plenty of time for your "Sweet Hearts" to arrive by Valentine's Day.
Good Luck Everyone!