Saturday, November 27, 2010
holiday hoopla,
in the mail,
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
And so I'll stitch by night and day
A magic quilt of colors gay.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Farmer's Wife Follow Up.....
reading materials,
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Treasure Hunting
Friday, September 3, 2010
Shop's Open.....

September 6th marks my two year anniversary at Etsy! In honor of the occasion I'll be re-posting some of my pieces from those early days. . . . . only this time at reduced SALE prices.
September 16th is my birthday! Yipee for me!!! Especially exciting is the fact that Lily Red has offered to take over the shop for the day in order to gift me with a holiday break. Rumor has it she's got something special to share with you as well!
September 26th brings with it the return of the Pick-a-Lilies! They have been enjoying an extended summer break around and about, picking up some new friends along the way. It sure will be good to see their little faces in the sewing nook once again.
As before, Friday Finds will be posted weekly. Thursdays, however, may prove to be more exciting for on those days I will reveal a "Newfangled Notion" or some other such needful thing never before seen in the shop!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Miniature Quilt Exchange...for the Second Time!
We first set up the terms and conditions of this second quilt swap in April. The following two months were abundant with false starts and numerous trips to the quilt store. While any excuse to buy fabric is most welcome I found I was unable to settle on a collection of prints or even a pattern to work with. I was becoming a Goldilocks of sorts. . . . .too bright, too dark. . . . . too abstract, too traditional. . . . . too disjointed, too much the same. And then, by chance I happened upon a reference to Russell H. Conwell and his most popular lecture, "Acres of Diamonds." Conwell retells the story of a farmer who, in his intense desire for riches, sells off his property and heads out in search of diamonds only to meet with misfortune and death in the end. Meanwhile, the man who purchased the farm from him spends his days tending to the work at hand in the fields and in doing so soon discovers his beloved acres are literally filled with diamonds.
Now, farm girl wannbe that I am, I took this "dig in your own backyard" philosophy to heart and promptly headed not to the store but to my fabric stash instead where numerous treasures were awaiting my discovery!
The green micro check was picked up long before I had received my Gail Wilson Hitty kit in hopes that it would someday serve as the perfect dress upon which an assortment of pinafores could be featured. Alas, almost a whole year has gone by since my birthday and poor Hitty is still awaiting my attention. Assortment of pinafores. . . . ha. . . . . the poor thing hasn't even got a body!
Along with collecting fabrics I've always enjoyed picking up bits and pieces of assorted dishware. After sorting through more than twenty boxes of the stuff stashed in the basement this week I have since decided I need to put a limit on this habit once and for all. Lids without sugar bowls, saucers with out cups, pitchers in duplicate (and I'm afraid to admit the occasional triplicate) have got to go. We are going to have one doozy of a yard sale next week! The one china pattern I won't be parting with is my Blue Willow, although I was more than happy to share a morsel of some matching fabric for Karen's quilt. I purchased a yard of it at the Lowell Quilt Festival more than seven years ago but can you believe this was the first cut I ever made into it!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Summer Stitching
As you may or may not have noticed from the sidebar I've decided to put my little Etsy shop on summer holiday. As a family we've dedicated the month of August to finally cleaning out our dungeon of a basement in hopes of creating a finished room down there for the kids. While I'll admit it's no small task (think Hoarders) we won't forget to throw in some fair weather fun as well. This, however, does not mean I intend to abandon my sewing nook. Instead I'm excited to use this time to work on some new projects and build up a bit of stock for a "Grand Re-Opening Celebration" come September when school starts up again.
The patchwork pincushion above is one such project. Do you recognize the fabrics from my pantry skirt? I loved working with them so much I put the scraps to good use! All that's left is to finish off the crochet picot trim and then I'll try some more cushions in different color schemes. Maybe something a little more cheery? I'm also debating trying out a bit of hand quilting across the patchwork tops . . . . . hmmm. . . . .could that be because. . . . .
. . . . .I've had such a good time quilting this! Unfortunately I can only show you this little snippet of the piece as it's currently en route to Karen from Humble Needle for our 2nd annual miniature quilt exchange. And since I imagine she might pop in here for a visit I want to keep it a surprise. I figure a little peek is ok, especially since she gave me this hint oh so long ago. I haven't the foggiest idea what to expect but I can't wait to see it!
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