Sunday, January 31, 2016

A Dolly's Bed and Lily Red - Spark Joy Items #2 and #3

 Once upon a time I imagined myself stitching up an army of aprons, 
fashioning more than a few frocks, 
and queuing up quite a number of quilts. 

I purchased a Featherweight 221 for sewing fine seams and soon after began  
collecting threads and fabrics in every color of the rainbow.

Rotary cutters.

and check!

 Unfortunately, while I could envisioned the piecing process,

...the completed projects,

...and even the way they would fit into my daily life, 
the actual practice of producing these creations was a struggle.

It wasn't the Featherweight, it ran like a dream.
Patterns and instruction books were readily available and my technical 
skills were able to perform the directions I found in them. I had every supply needed and 
an ever growing stash of fabric. Something, however, was definitely missing.

And then.....

...she arrived.
I named her Lily Red.

Measuring in at a mere four inches I would have never guessed what an enormous influence 
she would have on my creative aspirations.  

Suddenly the projects were practically creating themselves.
Aprons, frocks, and quilts were being produced, only on a much, much
smaller scale than I first imagined.

As I concentrated on outfitting Lily Red's world I soon discovered
a passion for hand sewing, a love of all things tiny, and a desire to be more
playful in the creative endeavours I took on.

I wanted to have fun.
And so I do!

 Except, unfortunately, when remnants of supplies from 
those long ago ambitions cross my path.
What a killjoy that is!

A stack of quilts by my hand will probably never reside in our linen closet 
so why do I still have yard after yard of fabric stashed away for the backings of them?
 A couple years ago I did start to scale back a bit...if I had eight yards of a print I would part 
with half, keeping the rest just in case I ever decided to make 
a frock or some such wearable with it. 

So while Lily Red and her little bed can stay, perhaps it's 
time to revisit my scale back process. The chances of me actually whipping 
up a dress or two in the near future are slim to none, especially if a zipper is involved. 
Putting zippers in makes me want to rip my hair out! 

...strange I've held onto a pile of zippers then isn't it?
They spark something but it certainly isn't joy!!!


  1. How adorable Natalie Jo! You should post Lily Red and the little things you have made her on Take Peace Dolly Day! Everyone would enjoy seeing your creations:-)

    1. Oh how sweet of you! I'm going to have to pay a visit to Dolly Thursday for sure!

  2. Lovely to have found a muse and hence your spark of imagination. I love all things wooden, especially dolls, and Lily Red is just wonderful and I can quite see why she inspires you. Some lovely bedding you have created for her indeed.

    As for the scaling back...I think all who are creative suffer this dilemma...good luck!

    1. How right you are concerning the scaling back truly is a dilemma so easily compounded by each and every creative interest!

  3. Replies
    1. Oh thank you, thank you!!! I love them too and am so grateful they crossed my path!

  4. I love the doll and her wonderful bed and quilt. I'll be needing to scale back too. I'm not sure when I will start but I will have to very soon. I think making things would be more enjoyable if I was weighted down with all the other stuff. I wanted to let you know I ordered the Goldie the Dollmaker book based on your sidebar.

    1. You made my day! I so love that book and am excited to think you will soon have it in your own hands! Goldie's passion for her craft and appreciation for fellow artisan's work is so inspirational. As an added bonus (for me at least) are the sweet illustrations that so beautifully portray the simplicity of her environment and daily routine. Just holding the book calms and soothes me. You can be sure it will pop up as one of my "spark joy" items!!!

  5. Natalie, such a delightful post! I was taught to sew by my Mother, and made clothing for myself years ago, but once I started making toys, everything else just faded away! Nothing could compare to the joy of creating toys, and all their tiny accouterments.

    Lily Red and her dear quilt and bed are quite the perfect example of the joy of small toys :-)



    1. "The joy of small toys"
      Nothing could be better than to share this joy with others....thanks so much for always joining in the fun and for creating and sharing with us as well!

  6. I love your blog! I have been trying to leave comments, but for some reason I haven't been able to. Today I noticed a comment did go through on another blog. So here I am trying again & hoping it works. Please visit me if you get this comment.

    1. The very same thing happens to me quite often when I try to leave comments...very baffling to say the least isn't it? I'm off now to your neck of the woods for a visit, fingers crossed I'll be able to let you know I was there!!!
