It feels so good to have them all lined up and ready to go! Yesterday, however, was a much different story. . . . . it began while I was finishing up the eighth and final pin cushion (did you notice there are only seven in the picture?) Little Bo Peep was featured in the center square with some of her lost sheep placed in the patchwork pieces around her. It was really cute if I don't say so myself. My mind must have drifted while making the final cuts and. . . . . . poor little Bo met with a very unfortunate accident with the rotary cutter. I felt like a murderess! I tried to put the whole incident behind me but remained shaken while taking photos of the survivors. I could not get a picture in focus for the life of me. Finally, I decided to make do with what I had. The miserable shots were downloaded onto my computer. . . . or so I thought. When I went to post the blog last night the image file was empty! What else could I do but go to bed? So I did.